Monday, May 14, 2012

The Impact of Booster Set 6: Breaker of Limits

Now that I've had some time to experience and witness first-hand most, if not all the cards from the new set, I will be re-analysing which cards lived up to the hype, and which ones crashed and burned. Did Limit Break really recreate the meta, or did the new kids on the block not create enough of a splash? Let's find out.

Gold Paladin
With the release of Booster Set 6 came one of the most hyped clans to date: Gold Paladin. With cards similar in style to Royal Paladin and multiple Limit Break cards, the clan immediately became one of the most sought after. Cards such as Incadescent Lion, Blonde Ezel reached high prices and demand as many players wanted to create this deck. In my opinion, Gold Paladin have created a significant impact in the meta, not only because of their Limit Break cards, but also through the various cards that allow them to create field and hand advantage. Cards that reminded one of Royal Paladin such as Great Silver Wolf, Garmore increased the demand as the thought process became, "If Royal Paladin is a top tier clan, Gold Paladin must also be"; which in general has proven to be true, especially through their Limit Break cards. The Gold Paladin Limit Break cards are especially good as not only do they constantly create field advantage, they can also attack for high amounts of power, which without a perfect guard can prove to drain the opponent's hand quickly. It is this fearful combination that has boosted Gold Paladin to an extremely high tier and in my opinion will stay there for a while to come.

Verdict (Hit or Flop?): Hit

The second-most hyped up clan from Booster Set 6 was definitely Narukami, or more specifically Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion. Some though the card would break the meta, others in between and other didn't think much of it. To be honest, Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion is a good card yes, but not nearly as good as some (including myself) thought it would be. If we think about it, if Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion didn't require each attack target through it's Limit Break ability to be guarded separately, the card would be trash. In reality, the card is not that powerful, unless used at an appropriate time. Most players I see just use it's Limit Break ability the moment they have 3 counterblast and 4 damage, which in my opinion is the wrong way to use it. If we're in the midgame and I have plenty of cards in my hand, losing two rearguards is not the biggest deal to me, I can easily replace them next turn. Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion's effect is best used in the late game, where a) the opponent is low on cards and will likely depend on interceptors to survive or b) the opponent has good rearguards out (ie. Swordsman of Explosive Flames, Palamedes) that you want to get rid of quickly, and even then, in my own personal experience, wasn't as game-changing as I thought it was going to be. The biggest current flaw of this card is not with the card itself, but with the players that misuse it paired with the high expectations most had about the impact this card would have, which unfortunately is what is making the card not as effective as most people thought it was going to be.

Secondly, the other biggest flaw with the clan is a decent starting Vanguard. Neither Lizard Soldier Saishin or Spark Kid, Dragoon are particularly good, especially when you compare it to Lizard Soldier, Conroe. Lizard Soldier Saishin by counterblasting 1 and moving it to soul allows you to retire one of your opponent's Grade 0 rearguards, which is only particularly useful against Royal Paladin (Barcgal), Gold Paladin (Crimson Lion Cub, Kyrph and Incadescent Lion, Blonde Ezel's superior ride) and Kagero (Lizard Soldier, Conroe). Spark Kid, Dragoon on the other hand is even worse, counterblasting 1 and putting it to the soul for a chance of breaking even with a Grade 3. With neither particularly good or even contributing to the deck in general, Narukami still has a bit to go before I would call it a tier 1 deck.

Verdict: Flop

Angel Feather
The last new clan introduced in Set 6, Angel Feather are a little harder to judge. Even before they were released, no one really thought that they were going to be a top tier clan, simply a gimmicky clan that seemed really fun to play; which turned out to be exactly the case. It's a little hard to judge this clan as expectations were not really that high to begin with. I think the two most hyped-up cards were the two main Grade 3's: Circular Saw, Kiriel and Cosmo Healer, Egodiel and her ride chain. 

Circular Saw, Kiriel became popular due to her Limit Break ability of increasing her power by 5000 power. Her other effect is also good, albeit situational of counterblasting 1 when called to the Vanguard circle to superior call something from the damage zone and then retaking the damage from the top card of your deck. While her generic Limit Break ability may give opponents a hard time, it remains a 10k Vangaurd on your opponent's turn, making Circular Saw, Kiriel susceptible to 20k attacks and other Limit Break cards.

Cosmo Healer, Egodiel, while it pressures your opponent into guarding due to her Persona Blast, creates little to no direct advantage through her ride chain compared to others. In short, there is nothing special about the ride chain, for that matter the whole clan. It's whole theme becomes a simple gimmick that may or may not be useful during an actual match. That being said, I still think the clan is loads of fun to play which in my opinion was what people expected it to be, therefore is successful.

Verdict: Hit

It seems that while the meta wasn't completely recreated, some clans more than others have impacted the meta and players will have to adapt in order to continue to be successful at this game. Limit Break abilities while powerful at times can usually be handled by the opposing player relatively well, either with more perfect guards, or playing conservative so you can replenish your field when the big, bad Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion uses it's ability. I think what Limit Break has successfully done is refresh the game, with new cards, clans and abilities. With new trial decks as well, new players will be wanting to try them out. I mean, who can resist a clan called "Gold Paladin"? All in all I can confidently call Booster Set 6: Breaker of Limits a successful set.


Don't forget to check out KS Games for all your Cardfight!! Vanguard needs!


  1. Having play tested against a Narukami player, I think they're pretty solid. While I do believe the lack of a good grade 0 starter will no doubt hurt them in the early game. As they continue to pile pressure and cause misplays, they'll be able to capitalize against decks that require field advantage, such as Royal Paladins and Nova Grapplers. While Vermillion was way way over hyped, if as you mentioned in your review, used at the correct time it can really harm a defending player. Thunder Break Dragon, coupled with it's special booster can force 2100 guards and 2600 on limit break for the cost of 1 soul a shot.
    So while I agree they're weaknesses are there, I don't consider them a flop as much as I believe they're a really good start, but not as good the start the other two newer clans received.

  2. Yeah, I never said they were bad, just not as good as people thought they were going to be. They were a "flop" in terms of meeting the expectations people had of them, which in my opinion they didn't meet.

  3. I can agree with you on that. I guess I was reading in too deeply in the word Flop. I still look forward to seeing how the game shall evolve.

  4. What about GranBlue? Are they any better now?

    1. oh they are definetly better, i lose to this now and then, instead of just winning

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I was just wondering if you could perhaps make a video on how to build/play a proper Angel Feather deck. While I personally LOVED all of your videos on how to build and play an Oracle Think Tank Deck, I was a bit confused when it came to your deck building with Angel Feather. ( I'm also very aware that it wasnt your deck and you were working with what you were given, but the majority of the video was about how the girls in the deck were 'sexy' looking and how your friend didnt wanna play the best line up because some of the angels were males.) (( I also mean to say this in the most sincere way possible! Your videos really do help players understand certain things better! Not trying to be a jerk and bash your posted video.))

    I think that if people were strugglng to play Silent Tom with Gemini, others are going to be SUPER confused with the lineups and combos with Angel Feather.

    1. I wrote an article on Angel Feathers that deviates from the popular opinion pretty heavily. I won't link it here out of respect, but clicking my profile will get you there.
